Foot Action (Footlocker)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Of Olympics, Triumphs, and Scandals

The Beijing Olympics have just ended and we are now again on the 4-year wait. Athletes have conquered and failed. Others have broken records while some went home with heads bowed low. This is the glory of the sporting world.

And speaking of glories, the USA Basketball Team has regained the dominance it lost some years back. China’s Badminton Squad proved that they are still the gods of the taraflex. Others have rejoiced with their achievements, while some wrestler from Sweden says bronze is not gold. A Hungarian weightlifter pooped his elbow while a Jamaican just became the world’s fastest man. To top it all, Mike Phelps is now the world’s greatest Olympian, breaking 7 swimming records while winning 8 golds.

The expensive, extravagant, and grand closing was a cause of celebration. Such spectacle is an indication that China may have the best fireworks in the world. At least, they earned the right to spend much of the government’s money on firecrackers. After all, China finished with the most gold medals.

Although it was a great celebration of triumph, scandals nevertheless chose to crash and do some nips. Espana’s Basketball Team posed with chinks eyes, international media instantly jumped on them with racism issues. Swede’s wrestler claimed his fight was unjustly decided, declaring politics have corrupted sports. In an act of defiance, he flung his bronze medal. China also had their share. Lip-synching would have been forgivable, but no can let slide China’s fielding of a minor gymnast.

Nevertheless, the Olympics was a successful convergence of athletes, peoples, and cultures. Despite the low points, China’s extensive display of fireworks did the event justice, For those who lost and those who still plan on getting their hands on the gold, you have 4 years.


Anonymous said...

Manila 2024! Ill donate 50 million boxes of watusis for the opening...